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Long Term Disability Insurance

Help Protect Your Income - and Save up to 30%

We offer disability insurance plans from the leading carriers in Texas like Guardian with savings for Texas physicians and our TMA Member Long Term Disability Plan issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America that offers exclusive savings* for TMA members.

Disability insurance benefits will help replace a portion of your personal income until you can get back to work. If you already have some coverage, are you sure your monthly benefit will be enough to cover your expenses?

Protection For Your Unique Situation

We have worked with physicians for years. We know your unique income protection needs and how to help you secure the best possible coverage.

Practice owners may need to secure their own coverage. We have helped thousands of practice owners for generations get the income protection they need.

Employed physicians may have limits on their benefits and may pay taxes on any benefits they receive. Your coverage has holes that we can help fill.

Women typically pay more for disability insurance. We may save you up to 40% - 50% on our group plan compared to the cost of individual coverage, and up to 40% on a true own occupation policy.

Apply Online

TMA members looking for individual disability insurance can apply online for the TMA Member Long Term Disability Plan issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America. To get started quickly and easily click below.

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Call Us

Our disability advisors are available weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST to answer your questions, review your current insurance coverage, and help you get coverage for you, your family, and your practice. Call us at 800-880-8181.

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Help Protect Your Practice

As a practice owner, you're responsible for paying monthly overhead expenses to keep your business running. If you become disabled, your personal disability insurance may not be enough to cover both your personal expenses and business operating expenses. 

Business Overhead Expense insurance helps cover office overhead expenses such as rent, salaries, utilities, taxes and more. It will also help cover the salary of a locum tenens physician to care for patients while you recover. 

Help Protect Your Staff

If an employee becomes ill or injured, their health emergency could quickly turn into a personal financial disaster. Group short-term disability and group long-term disability insurance will help them get by while they recover physically. Furthermore, by offering group disability insurance, your medical practice will have a distinct competitive advantage for attracting and retaining the best staff.

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*Effective 8/1/2019, TMA Insurance Trust is able to provide participants with a premium credit of 25% that will be applied to their billing invoices, effectively decreasing the amount of their premium payments by 25%. This complimentary premium credit is provided at the sole discretion of the TMA Insurance Trust, is not guaranteed for future years, and will be subject to periodic review and evaluation.
TMA Member Long Term Disability plan coverage is issued by The Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, NJ. The Booklet-Certificate contains all plan information, including limitations and exclusions.
CA COA #1179, NAIC #68241. Contract Series 83500